6 Qualities of a Great Real Estate Agent

6 Qualities of a Great Real Estate Agent

  • Lisa Rivera
  • 06/11/23

As of November 2022, there was an estimated 1.6 million Realtors active in the U.S. Nearly three million people hold a real estate license of some kind. It’s clear that the real estate industry (and especially Fayetteville, NC real estate) is one of the fastest growing and heavily populated with experts in the country.

However, not all agents receive the same training, and there is a wide gulf between the mediocre agents you find all across the nation and those truly outstanding talents that can help you achieve all your real estate goals at close. Here are the six most essential qualities for you to look out for in a great real estate agent. Let’s dive in!

A wide professional network

The first sign that you’ll likely notice when working with a top-quality Realtor is the size of their professional network. A local agent with ties to their community should have a lot of connections to other local professionals in the real estate field. These people include home appraisers, contractors, lenders, real estate attorneys, building inspectors, and more.

Make sure that your agent has the support system of these types of pros on their side because if not, you may have to go out of your way to research who is the best repair person, architect, or electrician in your area all by yourself. It’s much better if your real estate team can take care of those concerns on your behalf.

Access to local market insights

Not only should your agent be able to connect you with the real estate experts in your city. They should have their finger on the pulse of the market itself. A quality Realtor needs to be able to provide you with deep market insights and much more detailed data than you’re likely to find by yourself.

How else will you stay informed about the trends in property values, particular zoning restrictions, comparable homes in your area, and any recent real estate purchases or sales in your neighborhood that could affect your deal? It’s best if your realty team can provide you with all this information anytime you need it. What’s more, they should take it upon themselves to update you with any new data throughout your real estate deal.

Personable and empathetic

It’s true that every Realtor and their team operates their agency in a different way. Whether they prefer a more aggressive approach to buying and selling luxury real estate or they work more conservatively with their clients, every agent is unique. What’s important is how you feel working with them. All talented Realtors will make you feel heard and listen closely to all the goals you want to achieve over the course of your real estate endeavor.

Meet with several Realtors at the outset and compare how you get along with each. Preferably you’ll have the time to meet more than once in different locations like their office, a cafe, or sharing a casual business lunch. Try to discern whether you’ll feel comfortable working with your agent over several weeks or months. Your agent should be empathetic, alert, punctual, and a ‘people person’ who makes you feel at home at any time of day.

A highly motivated go-getter

It takes a special personality to reach the upper echelons of the real estate industry and buy and sell luxury properties. Only the best of the best usually achieve such heights in the business. That makes it likely that your agent will have the drive and sticktoitiveness to help you push through any deal with minimal delays. Still, it’s important that you judge for yourself just how motivated your potential Realtor truly is.

Your Fayetteville, NC Realtor should keep a tight ship at their agency and maintain a rigid daily work schedule. They should work around you to meet as many of your requirements as possible and be available whenever you have a last-minute question or concern. The world of high-end real estate is a demanding profession to choose. You should feel certain that your team is personally invested in getting you everything you want from your deal.


Besides the fact that your agent is highly motivated and a quick decision-maker, they should always keep their eyes on the minutest details of your real estate deal. Even the smallest details can make a big difference in the world of exclusive luxury property sales and purchases.

You never know if a seller may have unknowingly not disclosed a structural issue in the home. Perhaps one of your buyers was willing to make a higher offer if only your Realtor had taken the time to investigate deeper into their agent’s motivations. You should feel confident that your real estate team is doing all the research necessary to avoid any mishaps over the course of the deal. What’s more, they should have the know-how to identify any potential problems that may arise, like water damage, issues with your mortgage lender, legal qualms, or ambiguous terms in your contract.

A good communicator

We saved perhaps the most important attribute of a good Realtor for the end of our list: great communication skills. If your agent isn’t a natural communicator, the odds are that you’re not going to have all the up-to-date information necessary to make an educated decision, offer, pricing strategy, or negotiation over the closing details and contract. Make sure your Realtor is available whenever you have a question or if you’re feeling out of the woods on the current state of your deal. They should always have the time to keep you up to date.

Reach out to a local real estate agent today

If you have any questions or comments to share about Fayetteville, NC real estate, or you’d like to learn more about the housing market in the area, get in touch today! Contact The Avalon Realty Group for more information.

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